Saturday, January 30, 2010

Personality Test Result: Contemplative

I took the quiz Your Ice Cream Personality from Facebook and my result? CONTEMPLATIVE.

The explanation indeed further describes me.

You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are. You are a pretty cautious person. You look before you leap, and you don't leap often. There's a bit of a wild child within you, but it doesn't get out often. You are a somewhat open minded person, but deep down you're fairly conservative. You don't like trying new things very much. And if you do find something new you like, you stick with it. You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time. You are a serious and contemplative person. You definitely do your own thing in life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quoted From: Ate Thess

A quote which Ate Thess has posted on her blog delivers a precise description of a woman - her place, her role, her importance.

"I believe our first place is before God, behind our man but in front of our children. There, in that place in between, we can do great things, may be unrecognizable but significant roles, and in God’s eyes, equally important."

Ate Thess originally mentioned it here.

Monday, January 25, 2010

PMS: It's a Girl Thing

Based from my numerous experiences since the year that 'period' came, I am pretty sure that this mood I'm having now is caused by a disorder hated by women named PMS.

For gals like me (and guys too) who want to learn more about this disorder, click here.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yiruma, a Korean Pianist

Yiruma is the stage name of I Ru-ma (born February 15 1978, Seoul, Korea), a South Korean piano music composer. The name "Yiruma" means accomplishment in Korean. He is married to Son Hye-im.

Yiruma is well-known throughout the world, and his albums are sold all over Asia, as well as the United States and Europe. His most famous pieces are "River Flows in You", "Love Me" which appear on the album "First Love" (2001) and "Kiss the Rain" from the album "From The Yellow Room" (2003). Although he formerly held dual citizenship as a citizen of the United Kingdom and South Korea, in July 2006 he gave up his British citizenship and entered the Republic of Korea Navy to begin his military service, which is compulsory for all male South Koreans. He lived in Osaka, Japan, for 6 years to promote album sales before giving up his dual citizenship.

From Wikipedia

I am fond of mellow songs because such compositions suit my melancholic mood. For dominantly melancholic like me, piano pieces are heaven.

I haven't heard of Yiruma nor of his music until I got my first LG phone. I just wanted to download and listen to any piano piece. Then, I remembered that one of my Korean students has a piano piece as her ringback tone. (I prefer piano pieces with lyrics unknown to me or without any lyrics at all.) Upon clicking Youtube and keying in Korean pianist, Yiruma's name appeared on top of the search list. I watched him play the piano and as soon as I heard his music, I downloaded a dozen of his pieces from Limewire. And, then, I uploaded them to my new cellphone.

So, there it is. Many times as I sleep, travel, work, contemplate, pray or read the Bible that I let Yiruma's music fill the air. So far, Spring Time is my favorite. ^^

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quoted From: Monokuro Boo

"Simple is best."
- Monokuro Boo

Phone English Challenges

Han, one of my Phone English students, just asked me what difficulties I experience at work. Here are what I told him:

1) It's hard to teach when I am sick. Imagine a teacher reading a dialog, correcting sentences or doing phonics and sneezing a hundred times (in mute mode) in between.

2) It's hard to teach when I am tired. You can't complain if you have 12 marathon classes (10 or 20 min/class) or less.

3) Technical problems sometimes drive me nuts. A technical problem is under control when backup file is available. But, slow internet connection makes me exhausted despite the less number of students.

3) It's harder to teach a smart but inattentive student than a beginner but attentive one. As a teacher, it is my pleasure to guide a willing mind.

Of course, each job has its own challenges. I'll post the reasons why I love my job next time. Wait for it! ^^

An Audience

I can give a seat to a stranger.
I can give a smile or a nod to an acquaintance.
I can share common interests with friends.
I can share knowledge with my students.
I can share with the vision of the church.
I can share dreams with my family.

But, in this thing called blogging, what can I share?
I feel understood when someone intently listens.
I find blogging more fun and meaningful when someone, even just one, reads it.
What if there would be none?

Ups and lows, twists and turns, burdens and accomplishments I share with diverse people playing various roles in my life. But the things better left unsaid I share to God.

I have already written a few blogs on other sites and now I am finally writing another one on a Blogger site of my own. I intend to let Blogger be my official blog site. Sigh. But, what should I share?! There are so many things running in my mind that I become hesitant to express or let go of them.
Compliments and disapproval both stop me from opening up.

Thanks for reminding me. You are an Audience since the beginning of time. An Audience and a Director at the same time actually. You listen. You direct. Proven and tested. Be my Audience. Be my Director. And, let me be your humble writer. Thanks for reminding me.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finding My Niches

CLUTTERED (adjective):

messy, disorderly, jumbled
NICHE (noun): a situation or
activity specially suited to a
person's interests, abilities,
or nature

What makes a room sloppy? It may be cluttered because the person using it is simply untidy. Or, maybe, that person is just doing a total room makeover.

What makes thoughts cluttered? It can be paranoia. It can also be like someone is just finding his way out of a labyrinth.

Getting rid of clutter becomes easier when one knows which stuff should be kept, changed or given up.

Getting rid of unnecessary thoughts becomes easier when one knows how to express them.

I'd better dismount my clutter now. Jotting down rapid thoughts or coming up with quite an article will definitely lead me to my niche. Idling nor too much contemplating doesn't make my mind a good workshop.