Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am Memeing!

Originally, I have decided to be part of Blogger to have more chances of expressing myself through writing. But, recently, I began to notice that my blog is little by little becoming a photoblog! Haha! Well, there is nothing wrong with that. I am enjoying it (soooooo much)!

I have no any idea about memes before. Meme? What does meme mean? Dictionary.com defines it as:
meme /meem/
a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes
In the world of blogging, memes refer to activities, such as quizzes, surveys or photo challenges (which I am a part of), that people link to and pass around their blogs.

As from my experience, being part of or having memes increases my traffic and allows me to meet more fellow bloggers out there. I get to enter other worlds which I have never been to. There are moms, a wife of a rancher, photographers, fellow singles, fellow believers and a lot more! I am truly happy to have taken a glimpse of these different worlds and to have those people take a glimpse of my own little world in return.

Another thing is, memes motivate me to update my blog as often as possible. Since there are weekly challenges, I am indeed challenged to find photo/s suitable for the week's theme. In addition, looking at or reading entries from other bloggers may inspire me to write about something I have never thought of before. Not to mention, giving and receiving comments make blogging more fun, exciting and meaningful.

On the other hand, some bloggers find meme as something that doesn't add value to their blogs. I respect their opinion. Hmmm, maybe, it depends on the thought or purpose behind the meme itself and the level of excitement it gives to the blogger.

Anyway, I am thankful that I am part of what I want to describe as purposeful and fun memes. What memes am I part of? So far, these are what I have joined:
Wordul Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but just can't seem to keep our mouths shut about it (them). - Seven Clown Circus
It's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! And just jump in now with 1 of 52, you can do it! - Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans
Welcome to i heart faces..a photography site focused on the art of capturing faces and their various emotions. Each week, people from across the world have the opportunity to enter their favorite face photos into a themed photo challenge. A “Guest Photographer Judge” will choose ten of their favorite photos that will then be displayed on our home page. - Amy & Angie

And, I'm about to join these ones, too:
Litrato is a Tagalog word which means photo or picture. Pinoy refers to a Filipino citizen. For more information about this meme, click here. ^^
I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. - Alice

How about you? Care to be part of these memes? As The Daily Memes says it, "A meme a day keeps the boredom away!" ^____^

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Thanks for dropping by and for taking time to jot down your thoughts! ^^,

Oh, they make me excited! (~_^)

Salamat! Kamsahamnida! Arigato! Thanxie!