Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shoot Me! (6 of 52)

Forever In Blue Jeans

Shoot Me! It's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did! And, just jump in now with 1 of 52. You can do it! - Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans

France's 1st Birthday!

meet the birthday celebrator who just turned one last Sunday
(this picture is from her own Facebook account!)

her milk bottle

the party hat

the birthday cake
(the one inside the yellow box)

(excuse the blurriness)

france's second cousins (andrei and ian)

and of course, there's me! ^^

Wanna link your own Shoot Me post? Oh, please do! Just type and add your link to MckLinkly (right below Carin's WW post) and then visit other Shoot Me posts from our fellow bloggers by clicking their names in the list. Make sure to leave some love, too! Comments! Comments! Comments! Who doesn't love comments? \(^^)/


  1. awww what a cutie :) happy birthday to the little one! and the cake looks really yummy! :)

    u may view mine too here

  2. heyyy its me again.. html tags works on comments too.. im just adding this line:

    (a href="LINK")title(/a)

    just change the () to <> :)

  3. Thaaaaaaaaanks a bunch, Marice! ^^

  4. 1st birthdays are so much fun! that cake looks amazing!

  5. Happy Birthday!

    Please feel free to visit my Lavender Fields of Iris, thanks!

  6. What great pictures, looks like you were all having a wonderful time. Great cake too, Mmmm!

  7. Aww..she is adorable!! Happy Birthday to her! Did you decorate the cake? It's so pretty!

  8. thanks everyone for dropping by! u made my day! ^___^

    alicia, my sister bought the cake. (how i wish i could you and your daughter...hehe)

  9. First time to visit your blog.
    Your baby is so cutie. I'm sure first birthday is fun, fun, fun.

    You can find me at mommy moments meme. Here's my entry
    I'll try to join this meme too!

  10. redamethyst, thanks for dropping by and for following!

    and, welcome to the Shoot Me club! ^^

    by the way, france is my niece.


Thanks for dropping by and for taking time to jot down your thoughts! ^^,

Oh, they make me excited! (~_^)

Salamat! Kamsahamnida! Arigato! Thanxie!