Who said it's hot in the Philippines?

Let me show you a glimpse of my day as I go to work just after lunchtime.

Who said it's hot in the Philippines?
Cluttered thoughts should rather be dismounted and let my mind be a good workshop. Niches are waiting to be found. Fixing Clutter. Finding Niches.
So! There you have it: all you need to go write your own life list. So go on -- grab a cup of your favourite beverage, a piece of paper (or notebook or journal or, hell, your blog), and get started.
Go inspire yourself.
Bawal bawal ka dyan. So what kung gabi? Magkakape ako kung gusto ko, 'no. Decaffeinated naman kaya pwede pa rin akong makatulog. Sarap kaya. Try mo!
Why not? So what if I'm having coffee at night? I'll drink coffee if I want to. Don't worry. It's decaffeinated. Why don't you try it?